
Savvy Photography and Design (formerly Savvylove Photography) specializes in Portrait and Landscape Photography along with design and editing services. Please see the Services page for all the amazing projects I can help you with.


Photography is a captivating art form that allows you to express your unique perspective and capture the beauty of the world around you. It’s not just about what you see, but rather it’s about embracing your own way of seeing things and showcasing it through the lens of your camera. I’ve always had a passion for taking photos. My first job was developing film at my local CVS. Since then, photography has found me in so many ways that I just knew it was part of my journey . These two pictures above show my journey with a recent photo I took compared to one taken back in 2011 . I have learned and grown so much with so many great people put in my path and I am so grateful for the abundance my passion has given me.
